Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Morning, January 18

The old devil knew I had less than 2 hours of sleep last night, so he was trying his best to keep me in bed this morning. In fact, I was laying back down when my 13 year old said, we gotta go, it's popcorn day! So we all got ready and went to church. I'm glad I did. The Lord needed my help when I got there. My 11 year old's teacher wasn't able to come so I got to teach her class and my own class. We did not attend tonight. I've laid around this afternoon and rested. Amazingly, the kids have been pretty well behaved today! I'm waiting to see if my Aunt and Uncle liked the pot of beans I gave them. I haven't heard from them yet. lol. I believe I will watch a little tv for now. Until next time, April.


  1. See how easy that was? And it is so fun, and quite addicting!
    Love ya,

  2. Well well, seems like since I have gotten on board with all the latest rave I just may have to try my hand at this as well!
    Course I aint no reporter or anything , but I have a lot on my mind that I would love to share with the world!HA!
    Nice start Ape. I will be checking in on you.
